About Us

 Welcome to Toggen Milk Limited, where passion for exceptional dairy meets dedication to community upliftment. Nestled in the heart of Kiambu County, Kenya, we’re not just a farm – we’re a family built on values of quality, sustainability, and shared prosperity. We believe in harnessing the power of nature and responsible farming practices to deliver the freshest, most nourishing goat milk, meat, and dairy products to your table. Join us on a journey towards a healthier, more empowered future, one sip at a time.

Our Commitment

We prioritize nutrition, believing that quality dairy is the cornerstone of a balanced diet. Beyond products, we’re advocates for sustainable agriculture, empowering local farming and fostering community health

Empowering Agriculture, Nourishing Lives

Toggen Milk Limited goes beyond being a dairy producer; we’re agents of positive change. Our goal is to contribute not only to healthier diets but also to the overall well-being of our community. Join us in savoring the taste of Toggen quality where every bite and sip signifies vitality, quality, and community enrichment.

Get in Touch To Learn More About Toggen Milk Limited